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Discover Who You Truly Are Thru Mindfulness Coaching


Updated: Feb 11, 2024

Who doesn’t want to be a better version of themselves? After all isn’t that what New Year resolutions are about? If you find yourself making the same promises to yourself year after year, I invite you to think outside of the box by going inward in search of your true self.

One of the tools I use in my Mindfulness Coaching practice to help clients discover who they truly are is unexpectedly simple.

Mindfulness Coaching



This is where Mindfulness Coaching can help. Let me share this simple exercise with you to help you discover who you really are. You’ll need a piece of paper and a pen. Make two columns at the top of the page. Label them “joy” and “not so much joy”

Now, ask yourself, “What brings me joy?” Hint: What makes you get out of bed when you are still tired or stay up late when you know you should be going to bed?

Is it the kids, a bike ride or a hike? Is it helping a neighbor or a home improvement project of your own? A good book or a movie you have wanted to see? Whatever the task or activity, when you are done, do you feel good, did it bring you joy?

If so, embrace it, it is a part of you and as such goes in the first column appropriately labeled, “Joy”

Let’s add to that column in this way. Do you love your dog or any other pet? Most people would say, yes, that they love their animals then that goes in the joy column. Do you like to craft, paint or cook? Do you get joy and satisfaction from your work or volunteering? Do you like to expand your horizons or exercise? All of these things would go into the joy column. When you identify what you really love, this helps you to discover who you truly are! Certainly Mindfulness Coaching I help you with this. We can go into your subconscious with other tools and techniques to help you bring to light what brings you joy.

A foundation of truth becomes a solid strength that you can call upon when making decisions. Knowing who you truly are can help you choose a career, attract a like-minded partner or explore a new path in life.

A Mindfulness Coach will help you to dig deep down inside yourself to discover your true nature.

The flip side to this is what do you do that doesn’t bring you joy, that might bring you sadness or disappointment? Chances are it’s lead to a bad habit or an attitude you may have developed.

Most negative behaviors begin as a response to a threat, perceived or real, and can be held like a grudge in your subconscious.

They’re coping skills, when you are triggered in a similar way, you respond as if that original threat is still occurring today.

For example, you may find yourself arguing with a coworker or a family member, or judging yourself or others. None of these behaviors really make you feel good, even if you feel justified in the moment. As such, this goes in the “not so much joy” column. With some exploration into the self, the subconscious, past lives and release work with an Intuitive Coach, this no longer needs to be a part of your experience.

Perhaps you’ll even find joy in the journey that has made you, uniquely you!


Only Love Heals

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